Transformation 2 (Concurrent): Laying the Foundation - Financing Affordable Housing for Social Transformation
Date & Time
Thursday, June 13, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Mark Kennedy Kennedy, CEO, Everbloom Homes CIC
Pooran Desai, Founder,
Mike Bulthuis Bulthuis (OCLT), Executive Director, Ottawa Community Land Trust
Dane Williams, Co-founder, Black Urbanism TO
Laurel McCorriston, Executive Director, UquutaqSociety
Pooran Desai, Founder,
Mike Bulthuis Bulthuis (OCLT), Executive Director, Ottawa Community Land Trust
Dane Williams, Co-founder, Black Urbanism TO
Laurel McCorriston, Executive Director, UquutaqSociety

There is a huge need and opportunity for impact investors and asset owners to shift their attention and capital towards affordable housing. But does the commodification of housing stand in the way? In addition to a basic need and human right, having safe, stable, and affordable housing is also inextricably linked to various social determinants of health, such as employment, mental health and wellbeing, and social inclusion.
This workshop dives into major developments in the housing finance landscape, including how organizations use mixed funding models and community land trusts to finance affordable housing and how to get involved.
Hosted online.
Supported by Tapestry Community Capital
Virtual Session Link
Session Type