Full Name
Benjamin Scott Scott
Job Title
Founding Project Director/Co-Lead
Speaker Bio
Benjamin Scott, is the Founding Project Director / Co-Lead of EntrepreNorth, a proud member of the Tłı̨chǫ Nation and true Northerner at heart. He has a passion for supporting organizations to redefine business practice through an Indigenous worldview, and sharing business knowledge and tools to help build entrepreneurial leadership and capacity within communities. 

He is the creator of _The Multi-Directional Business Compass _which offers an Indigenous-centred perspective for thinking about business, community, and economic impact in a more circular and holistic way. The Compass framework now serves as the foundation of EntrepreNorth’s programming to empower Indigenous entrepreneurs to build sustainable business and livelihoods across Northern Canada. At EntrepreNorth, Benjamin is spearheading the development of a Northern Impact Fund to improve access to capital for Northern Indigenous entrepreneurs and social innovators and to drive greater economic reconciliation and justice.

He holds a MBA in Indigenous Business and Leadership from SFU, a BA in Urban Studies from UofC, and a Leadership Certificate from UofA. He is also an Action Canada Fellow Alumni and NDN Collective changemaker fellow
Benjamin Scott Scott