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Thursday, April 25, 2024, 12pm ET

Gen Z Volunteerism


This webinar will explore what drives Gen Z volunteers and how non-profits can attract and retain youth volunteers for the long haul, as well as dispel common misconceptions about what drives this up-and-coming generation.


Why it matters

Engaging youth volunteers could be the key to solving volunteer shortages in Canada's charitable sector. But how best to recruit and keep Gen Z volunteers is up for debate.



Key questions to be addressed:


  • Getting a broader sense of why this demographic matters. 
  • What is Gen Z looking for in a volunteer opportunity?
  • What incentives resonate with Gen Z? (Mentoring, rewards/recognition)
  • What can Gen Z volunteers teach and guide older generation volunteers?
  • What barriers do Gen Z volunteers face, and how can they be eliminated?
  • What do non-profits get wrong (and right) when it comes to recruiting youth volunteers?
  • What are the long-term benefits of bringing in Gen Z? Can they bring volunteer numbers up to pre-pandemic levels?
  • What misconceptions hinder non-profits looking for Gen Z volunteers? Or turn off youth who might otherwise donate their time?




This independent journalism is supported by Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities. Read our editorial ethics and standards here.