1. I’ve lost the link to watch the sessions / I don’t know how to log in

If you have registered for the event, click here. Use the username and password you used to sign up for the event. (If you did not create a password at the time of registering, you can click on the reset password link to create one.) 

2. How do I access Braindates?

Attendees will have the opportunity to join Braindates on both days (4:15-5:15 PM ET on day one; and 10:45AM-11:45AM ET on day two). Access Braindates here by using the same email you used to register for this event. 

3. I’m in a session but it’s not playing.

Press the “play button” on the video and it will start to stream live. 

4. I am on my mobile device and can see the chat function but not the video.

We recommend watching this on a laptop or desktop if possible for the best viewing experience. If you are on mobile, you need to click on the arrows to close the chat, then press on the play button on the video to see the live session. 

5. I need more information on Toronto / Vancouver / Montreal / Halifax / Calgary

All info on community hubs and their agendas can be found here.

6. Will the recordings be available?

Yes, all participants will receive a link to the recordings after the forum on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.

7. Is it too late to buy a ticket?

You can still buy a ticket here up until the day of the forum.

8. Is it too late to change my ticket from online to in person?

Please email us at info@futureofgood.co and we can help you change your ticket to in person (pending capacity of each location)

9. I can no longer attend. Can I get a refund on my ticket?

We can offer full refunds if you can no longer attend, minus administrative fees. Please email us at info@futureofgood.co. 

10. I can no longer attend. Can I give my ticket to someone else?

Yes, please email us at info@futureofgood,.co.