À propos de l'événement

Après plusieurs décennies, nous voyons le bien-être entrer au cœur du changement social. De plus en plus de preuves démontrent le lien entre le bien-être et un changement social efficace. La nourriture, le sommeil, l'appartenance, le temps passé dans la nature, la santé mentale, les amitiés, les traumatismes intergénérationnels, les salaires décents et bien plus encore sont des facteurs de bien-être individuel et organisationnel positif.

Le tout premier Changemaker 2024 de Future of Good Le Sommet sur le bien-être réunira 500 dirigeants, acteurs du changement, travailleurs de première ligne et bailleurs de fonds pour promouvoir le bien-être individuel et organisationnel de ceux qui travaillent dans des équipes à vocation sociale d'un océan à l'autre. Le sommet de 2024 accueillera un mélange de conférences, d'ateliers, de discussions, d'apprentissage entre pairs et d'expériences artistiques sur des sujets critiques tels que l'alimentation, le sommeil, le bien-être maternel, les traumatismes intergénérationnels, le bien-être au travail, l'inclusion et l'appartenance, l'anxiété climatique, etc. Ordre du jour complet à venir.

À propos de l'événement

  • What are the ten key workplace wellbeing trends in 2024?
  • What are the wellbeing impacts of operating in scarcity and financial precarity for prolonged periods of time?
  • What dynamics are at play when you manage a team of remote workers?
  • What are the key ingredients of a workplace wellbeing plan?
  • Does a fear of failure create micro-anxieties?
  • What are the practical ways to centre women’s health and wellbeing?
  • Social media is essential for work, but what are the impacts to individual and team wellbeing?
  • What workplace wellbeing initiatives are gaining traction?
  • Burnout is on the rise in the social purpose world. What do managers need to know?


À propos de l'événement

This summit is intentionally designed to be a team professional learning experience. It will provide valuable insights, knowledge and tools into workplace wellbeing for executives, leaders, funders, donors and managers of social purpose teams. Employers in corporate, nonprofit, philanthropic, public, and academic sectors inclined to advance workplace wellbeing will find this summit beneficial. Teams will learn from experts, lived experience, research, peers from across the sector, and from workplace wellbeing initiatives that are gaining traction from across the country and around the world. By nurturing wellbeing, teams will be better able to unleash capacity for new action, greater impact, and flourishing employees for their organizations.


À propos de l'événement

Social impact professionals are on the verge of burnout — these organizations radically changed their work culture to help

Why it matters: Canadian Mental Health Week provides an opportunity to practice values and restructure organizational goals, which can ultimately lead to increased performance and better outcomes. While some of these measures are unconventional in the non-profit sector, the stakes are high, as deteriorating mental health may lead to employee burnout.


Non-profits are prone to toxic work environments, experts say

Why it matters: The non-profit sector, while employing 2 million Canadians, remains mostly off the radar when it comes to public cases of labour and human rights violations. But those in the sector say toxic work environments are leading to employee burnout.


One year into the pandemic, the social sector's working moms are not alright

Why it matters: Women make up the majority of social impact workers — 80 percent of non-profit workers alone. The sector stands to lose, or stunt the career trajectories, of the majority of its workforce if it doesn’t advocate for more accessible childcare and change its work culture to be more flexible.


Click here to read all of our journalism on wellbeing in the social purpose world.

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